The latest market updates are brought to you by Investment Managers & Analysts at Wealth at Work Limited which is a member of the Wealth at Work group of companies.
4th November 2020
Although the polls and news reports over recent weeks have suggested that it was Joe Biden’s (a Democrat) election to lose, we have warned that the US Presidential election was likely to be tight (simply because, as with voting Conservative or for Brexit in the UK, there are potentially lots of Americans that don’t want to admit to voting for Donald Trump) and as a consequence could potentially be contested and decided in the courts.
30th October 2020
It has been a brutal week so far for global equity markets as the tug-of-war contest has seen the winning marker move decisively away from the side with the healthy company earnings (profitability) announcements...
21st October 2020
Unfortunately there is nothing new to write home about so far this week, as the key theme impacting global equity markets is a familiar one: coronavirus negativity is dominating sentiment as global daily new inflection numbers continue to rise, and as a result, lockdown restrictions are being imposed across Europe.
14th October 2020
Although this week’s US Presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden has been cancelled, it hasn’t stopped the ongoing stimulus shenanigans and rapidly approaching election from continuing to be a large influence on global equity markets.
7th October 2020
Global equity markets got off to a positive start this week after Donald Trump was able to return to the White House, coupled with the growing prospects of an undisputed election result.
1st October 2020
After last week’s declines in global equity markets due to indiscriminate selling, it is no surprise to us that equity markets have started to bounce back slightly this week, despite Tuesday’s US Presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden.