The latest market updates are brought to you by Investment Managers & Analysts at Wealth at Work Limited which is a member of the Wealth at Work group of companies.
4th February 2021
Global equity markets have renewed their upward momentum this week after last week’s social media frenzy-induced volatility dissipated and allowed markets to focus again on Joe Biden’s fiscal stimulus plans and the global economic recovery.
27th January 2021
It has been a tough start to the week for global equity markets given some US senators appear reluctant to pass Joe Biden’s $1.9tr fiscal stimulus package, coupled with the slow vaccine roll-out across Europe.
20th January 2021
We have had a lacklustre start to the week thanks to the US markets being closed on Monday (18 January 2021) for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, coupled with Joe Biden’s inauguration as President today – although an inauguration isn’t normally a market moving event, given the potential for protests across America, it is getting a lot more attention than usual.
14th January 2021
As it has been a quiet week so far on the economic data front, we thought we would address the issue which has recently appeared in many of the business pages of the press: are equity markets in a bubble that is about to burst?
14th January 2021
In the words of the Von Trapp children in the Sound of Music, “So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye.”
6th January 2021
Not only have global equity markets started the year in an exuberant mood, but the FTSE-100 has literally leapt out of the starter gates this week (as we write, the FTSE-100 is up just over 3% today, taking its gain so far this week to 5.50%).